Founded by two best friends, Doris Bellot & Lindy Smith. Together we have partnered to create Virtuous Body, Mind and Soul.
Our Story
The short version:
We met at church and got together to make some soaps and bath salts as gifts for Christmas. We started sharing them and getting such wonderful feedback that we jokingly said, "Let's go into business." Well...we did and we went for it! The rest is history!
We are so passionate about what we do and love to share. If you met us in person most likely we told you the story. We love to encourage other people to go after their dreams. We gave God our "Yes" and He is paving the way. If you started with us I am sure you have seen a lot of change and growth in our products. We are stepping things up. We are only getting better with each year! We won't put our name on the product if we don't love it! All of our items are made with pure, natural, organic ingredients with a scriptural foundation for all of our products created with one thing in mind…encouragement!
We want our ingredients to reflect the purity of Christ. He calls us to be pure in heart "so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ-to glory and praise God." Philippians 1:9-11
Virtuous Mind, Body, and Soul welcome you to try our relaxation bath time regimen. We are intentional about the care of our skin and look forward to prayerfully sharing this with you as well.
With each purchase of soap, you will also receive a personalized (waterproof) devotional or prayer card. As Moms, we totally understand the scarcity of private time. Whether you are blessed with a 30 minute bubble bath or a 5 minute shower, our desire is to encourage you to consistently and intentionally speak LIFE and BLESSINGS over your family and friends.
Please like our Facebook page, follow us on Instagram & share your testimonies as we embark on this journey together. We thank you in advance for all your love and support. We love the Lord and can't wait to share his Love with you. Do everything in Love. 1 Corinthians 16:14